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Tea properties: 1. Green tea

(This is the first of a series of articles on the propreties of tea and herbal teas)

Why drink tea?

The reason comes from its properties. Each tea contains substances that influence our health and state of mind.

Green tea

Let’s start with green tea as it is the most coveted of all the « Camellia Sinensis » family! Green tea is not oxidized and is (after white tea) the least transformed, so, it contains more antioxidants and polyphenols which are so beneficial to our health.

It can prevent certain forms of cancer

The anti-cancer properties of green tea come from catechins (of the flavonoid family) it contains in large quantity. These anti-cancerous molecules represent up to one third of the weight of the leave of green tea!

Helps concentration

Green tea contains both caffeine and theanine. Theanine is a substance recognized to augment the “alpha wave” activity and heightens tranquility and frees caffeine more slowly. Both ingredients combined help produce better concentration (source:

Reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular disease

The daily consumption of tea will reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease from 40 to 60% and also protects from certain forms of cancer like those related to the digestive tube, urinary tract and even skin cancer. (Source:

Helps with weight loss

Green tea leaves contains both caffeine (between 3% and 4%) and catechins, two substances recognized to augment the concentration of noradrenalin in the body. However, this compound helps increase energy expenditure and fat oxidation. A meta-analysis, performed on 11 studies, showed that green tea catechins had an influence in weight loss and its maintenance, especially during moderate exercise. (Source : passeportsanté.net)

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